Amazing! love the hair and the linework here, 5 stars for sure dude
Amazing! love the hair and the linework here, 5 stars for sure dude
The silouette here is really great, love link in your art style
thank u so much!
Love the dots background, and the facial expressions are really cute
I really like the outline and the lineart of the details of the character, cool image!
the black and greens are really cool here, and the little dots detail is just... wow good stuff
she really squish right now, and btw love the blue lights here
Hehe so cool to see our two OC interacting! amazing artwork emperorbismark! love the faces, composition and the colors of the mandragora
I am very glad you like it.
they looking rad today 🔥
I cant still understand how you can draw incredible good stuff so consistently, you are a truly master artist
The straight lines with the little circles and dots you for the helmet thing is so amazing, never seen such lineart work before, bravo.